Saturday, August 4, 2012

Born in the USA

·         I’m not as geography-stupid as I am math-stupid, but the gap between the two isn’t huge. In our classroom hangs a large world map, and as of this week, a large USA map. Learning is happening. At least, for me.

·         We’re studying geography this year. YAY! I’m actually EXCITED about using Confessionsof a Homeschooler’s Roadtrip USA curriculum. With each state studied, we get to try a recipe. For Connecticut,  Cafe HomeschoolBoys  will whip up Hamburgers or Clam Chowder. I checked the recipes suggested for Oklahoma: Chicken Fried Steak and Dirt Cake. Does she know us or WHAT?!

·         One of the lessons is to learn the 50 states and their capitals. The curriculum suggests using the song to the tune of Turkey in the Straw that Wacko on Animaniacs sings. You can watch him sing it here.

·         Because Wacko’s version is SO FAST, I made the boys a Power Point to slowly click through as they learn the song. If anyone else teaching the capitals wants to use it, comment me. When I uploaded and linked it here, it changed the font and made it look less cute.

·         How is it possible that High school through Associates Degree through Bachelor’s degree, I never had an actual geography class? I must have been a pro-avoid-that-class scheduler.

·         Does anyone that lives outside the Northeast part of the U.S. actually know which tiny state is which?

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